Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Keep Thomas clean ok?

>>>>>Boy with 'Thomas the tank engine' briefs
MM: Keep Thomas clean ok?
YY: hm
YY: Mummy! BY yao4 ngh ngh!
MM: Ok! Let's go to the toilet. BY clever boy!
>>>>>Looking, staring, waiting (anxiously)...
YY: Mummy turn!
MM: Huh?
YY: Mummy turn! BY yao4 ngh ngh!
>>>>>Oh! Ok. I shouldn't be so rude...I shouldn't be staring at you while you are shitting.
MM: Ok ok... Mummy turn.
>>>>>A while later....***Plop!***

What a wonderful sound!

.....Mummy tells Ah Mah...Mummy tells Papa...Ah Mah tells Ah Gong and now Mummy tells the whole world!

BTW, I'm awake at this ungodly hour because (A) Your nose is very congested and I can't sleep, fearing that you'd get another attack, (B) Your Papa is snoring like a wannabe rock band on drugs! I never knew he is capable of such an amazing nasal repertoire - since I'm always dead asleep before him & (C) I myself am coughing like an old ciggy addict!>>> Can't wait for daybreak...

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