Tuesday, March 28, 2006

All in 3 hours!

6:45am Whaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
6:47am 6oz of milk mixed.......bottle now in baby's mouth
6:52am Baby finishes milk in record time...baby must be really hungry. Baby slept without having milk last night.
6:59am Mummy goes to the toilet.
7:00am Mummy sees baby on the window grille and grabs the camera. Papa sees mummy grabbing the camera and looks at baby....then made a mad dash towards baby, to catch baby, just in case baby falls.

****the whole family gets dressed up....baby points to diapers and says "don't want please!" ***********struggle**************

8:10am We leave the house together.
8:45am Daddy drops off at his work place.
9:00am Ah tong, ah marh, mummy & baby arrives at Thomson Medical Centre.
9:10am Baby measured and weighted....(88cm/12.1kg)
9:20am Baby sees doctor with needle......wonders what is happening....looks on while doctor swabs baby's behind with alcohol. Baby looks at the needle. Needle goes into baby's behind. Baby flinches...baby eyes becomes very wide! Mummy says "oh, it's okay it's okay!"...needle comes out. Mummy hugs baby. Baby mouth quivers....Nurse offers baby a biscuit. Baby takes one. Biscuit goes into baby's mouth quickly.

All is forgiven.

Ah marh says...."What a Gentleman!"

Mummy says....."What a brave boy!!!"

Ah tong says....."Today so fast arh?"

9:30am Brave Boy eats a piece of Roti Prata by himself.
9:45am Mummy drops Brave Boy off with grandparents at the MRT station.
9:46am Mummy heaves a sigh of relief

Monday, March 27, 2006

All in a day

Didn't realized you turned 19 months old yesterday until today, when I was downloading all these pictures - taken yesterday with my mobile phone - onto the laptop. I guess this is the turning point for me to start referring to your age in terms of years rather than months...i.e almost 2, 2, 2 and a half, 3, 4 ...

All in the same day (yesterday), you slammed the shower head into the corner of my mouth, making me taste blood and pulled down a 1.5 inch thick hardcover book from the shelf which made a point blank corner landing on my foot!

This is the very first time I felt like laying you up and giving you a good smack on your little behind. It is also the first time I used the word " FUCK!!!" in front of you. Aiyoh....you better watch out my dear little one!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Cruise Control

Driving lesson #1 => $3 for 10 minutes. The red car you had was set to cruise so all you had to do was steer. Easy right? Not. We ended having to shout at you to " Turn Right, TURN RIGHT!" and run after you to stop you from mowing down pedestrians, trees and fellow motorists. Aiyoh.

Water Kungfu @ the Singapore Science Centre

" THE COANDA EFFECT: If a stream of water is flowing along a solid surface which is curved slightly away from the stream, the water will tend to follow the surface. This is an example of the Coanda effect and is easily demonstrated by holding the back of a spoon vertically under a thin stream of water from a faucet. If you hold the spoon so that it can swing, you will feel it being pulled toward the stream of water. "

Hmm.... not sure if you were conducting the experiment correctly. Hhahahhahhaaaa!!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

rumble Rumble rumble...for 45mins

18 months is like the milestone for sending toddlers to 'dou dou ban'. I was pretty excited before. But now, I'm quite apprehensive.

Firstly, you are not toilet trained and refused to be so and I cannot imagine that anybody else will wash your butt as thoroughly as yours truly, or your Pa-Pa, or your Ah Tong, or your Ah Marh.

Secondly, you now have the propensity to not take instructions and make your own decisions. I.e touch the casing of the garden lights even though your Mummy is shouting from behind you, "NO!!! DON'T TOUCH!!! IT's HOT!!!!!!!!!!"

Thirdly, I've been researching on the internet. In my search for the 'negative effects of sending toddlers to school', I couldn't find any! Smells like a conspiracy don't you think? Hahhhaaaa...!

Anyway, we've been putting you in trial classes every opportunity we get, especially if it is "Free!". Couple of months back, we enrolled you in one of those 'flash cards' classes. 10 mins into the class, you pointed to the door and told your Papa you wanted "OUT!".

Last Saturday, we enrolled you in a gym class. You outperformed those in your class!Honestly, no proud mother here bragging away, just one tired mom with a very agile monkey boy who can climb ladders, throw balls into baskets, walk on uneven ground, ran around, chase soap bubbles and manage slides all by himself.

SIKU # 4 (Cement Truck)

You insist on calling this a 'Dumb-t_uck'!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Raffe long neck, Gar roarrrrrrrroooooahhh! Two,four, J-jump!!

You are picking up words faster than we can count. Yesterday, you told Papa to "bring both" his jacket and liner after he told Mummy that he planned to "bring both".

We have both been travelling quite a bit these last couple of months. I've already chalked up enought points to redeem a round the world ticket for 1 person on economy class. Your Papa has been averaging, by mummy's estimate, 1.3 cities per week since the begining of this year.

I don't think the kind of travelling jobs we both have is a very admirable one. It's tough, it's tiring and it's not as fun as it sounds.

Sometimes, I wonder what it is like to not know how big the world is, not know the names of different currencies and not know that in some places, rain falls from the sky as snowflakes.

There are very few places left in this world not yet visited by mankind or their machines. Every day, the world becomes smaller as we find new ways to transit between places, communicate with people far away and send information across time.

While we rush and rush and try to do as much as we can in a day and stretch ourselves across time and space, we also often forget that it's a beautiful place - this world, and honestly, it is the only one we can live in.

Tonight, while trying to make you sleep, I told you stories about a very special star. We could see it twinkle from the window by the bed. After you fell asleep, I continued to look at the star and for a while, time stood still...