Monday, March 06, 2006

rumble Rumble rumble...for 45mins

18 months is like the milestone for sending toddlers to 'dou dou ban'. I was pretty excited before. But now, I'm quite apprehensive.

Firstly, you are not toilet trained and refused to be so and I cannot imagine that anybody else will wash your butt as thoroughly as yours truly, or your Pa-Pa, or your Ah Tong, or your Ah Marh.

Secondly, you now have the propensity to not take instructions and make your own decisions. I.e touch the casing of the garden lights even though your Mummy is shouting from behind you, "NO!!! DON'T TOUCH!!! IT's HOT!!!!!!!!!!"

Thirdly, I've been researching on the internet. In my search for the 'negative effects of sending toddlers to school', I couldn't find any! Smells like a conspiracy don't you think? Hahhhaaaa...!

Anyway, we've been putting you in trial classes every opportunity we get, especially if it is "Free!". Couple of months back, we enrolled you in one of those 'flash cards' classes. 10 mins into the class, you pointed to the door and told your Papa you wanted "OUT!".

Last Saturday, we enrolled you in a gym class. You outperformed those in your class!Honestly, no proud mother here bragging away, just one tired mom with a very agile monkey boy who can climb ladders, throw balls into baskets, walk on uneven ground, ran around, chase soap bubbles and manage slides all by himself.

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