Saturday, May 12, 2007

Madam Contractor Part 2

After the unfortunate episode, we never got round to getting a new contractor to put up the woodwork for the bay windows in our rooms as originally intended.

After a couple of Lycheetinis & 3 complimentary fillet mignon's steak sandwiches at Morton's in Oriental yesterday, we walked over to Marina Shopping Centre, intending to buy a rice cooker. (Oh yes, we managed to get our hands on the free sandwiches 3 times! The Big One happened to be seated facing the main door and so, everytime the waiters came in with the laden trays, he would smile so expectantly at them that they couldn't help but offer him one.)

Detoured and ended up in a DIY Home-Fix store. Big One wanted to get some putty to fix the hole in our wall. Good idea! I told him to get some silicon sealant for the kitchen & bath areas as well and wandered off.

Spotted a roll of self-adhesive 'bamboo'. Somewhat beefed-up by the alcohol, yours truly decided to DIY.



~the efficient housewife~ (It's working!!!)


On second thoughts, oh dearie me! We forgot about the rice cooker!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WAH!!! *impressed*
- Mel