Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Prenatal Class

Sis-in-law showed me her schedules for her prenatal classes. I took one look and exclaimed "USELESS ONE LARH!" Oh dear oh dear... not being very sensitive here. It's not that her classes are useless. I remember attending mine religiously before. It's just that on hindsight, I find them useless because...

(1) Bathing with a doll is NOT representative of how you would eventually bathe a baby.

(2) The breathing exercise, when not explained properly, causes one to hyperventilate instead.

(3) Watching a groaning naked woman give birth on video is no ideal way to introduce oneself into the terror of giving birth (especially if one has not done it before). Shall digress a little here. Recently read in the papers that they introduced a male Panda to a "Panda Sex" video in an attempt to interest him in the act. Wondering if they have a "Panda Birth" video for the lady in question. I bet you she's sure to keep herself celibate for life after watching it!

(4) It makes you quarrel with the baby care-giver. i.e No one who has looked after babies before will subscribe to leveling the milk powder off the scoop with a knife after each and every scoop.

(5) It does not teach you how to wake up every 2/3 hours round the clock to feed the baby for however many weeks/months it takes. Better still, breast milk is promoted as the best milk on earth for your little one and if you are wired up by nature to give your little one the best, then seriously, you'd find yourself alone in a daze with your lactating mamaries and no one else can really help you in this aspect, definitely not the non-lactating members of the tribe.

Therefore, Prenatal class = Useless


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