Thursday, April 12, 2007


Having a writer's block over at the other window in my laptop - my outlook - trying to compose a farewell email to my colleagues at *****. Am thinking I'd fare much better over here because mostly, these entries in the blog are written from the heart. So, should I keep it short, or go on rambling, or not send one at all? I don't know!


Dear friends,

My last day at ***** would be this friday the 13th. Have known this was coming for a few months now. Towards the end, I couldn't have begged for it to be quicker, since hanging around, not doing much, is never good for myself as I know it.

I've lasted much much longer than I thought I would with this company, since my track record indicated < than 1 year for all the other places I've worked in. If it boils down to just 1 thing that have kept me going, it would be ... the colleagues, especially those who have become my very dear friends over these years, who have watched me grow, celebrated my triumphs and walked with me when I'm down.

It has been a thrill working here and I have the giddyness of someone who is just about to step off the best roller-coaster ride of her life. I have had it all - the nice and the nots, the highs and the lows, the fun and the angst. It would be interesting now to watch from the sides and you bet I will most definitely be watching!

Last but not least, I take away with me, something which I believe in with all my heart - that of connecting people. So here's wishing you guys nothing but the best and do stay in touch, because friendship crosses both time and space (and we all have that not one thing but many in our pockets to help us).

Best wishes,

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