Friday, April 13, 2007

Bits here and there

6 years 21 days! That's how long I've been using IBM laptops. Now bravely prodding a HP/Compaq nc6230, kindly loaned to me by the fortunate owner of several laptops.

Have been staring at the page with a raised eyebrow, occasionally breaking out of the trance to shake my head and reposition my nicely plucked eyebrows. I don't get the "you surf, we serve" slogan. Maybe, if I wait longer and surf more, they'll serve me? Or maybe they can SEE me? Wow. Hey! Can I have a hot latte please? No? Fat hope? Ok... maybe I should stop procrastinating and start filing my taxes.......*sigh*

Oh, we went for a walk after dinner today and walked into a traffic logjam. The cause? The launch of a new condominium. Went closer to take a look. Couldn't resist the herd instincts. Tried to get my hands on a brochure. The doors were closed, and the sign planted outside it said 'Invited Guests Only' plus there was a looooooooooooooooooooooooong queue and crowds milling around. Someone was announcing 1242, 1245, 1246..... Since I have no chance of getting the brochure myself, I asked a middle-aged couple, who was seated like many years away from the door if I could take a look at theirs. You were on my hips. They looked at me like I was going to take their brochure and make a break for it. Ridiculous!

Am sure glad we have a home. Nice neighbours we'd have though.

Ok ok ok... now back to myTax Portal!

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