Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Detox Day 2

The stomach did howl like a wolf at full moon occasionally. But all you need to do is quickly make yourself another cup of maple syrup lemonade with a dash of pepper and it will stop. Strange, this is the longest time I have gone without solid food in a long long long long long time... maybe since I could eat solid food?

And oh, I have a headache... the type I get when I don't drink my 'kopi-si-kow-kosong' (thick coffee with evaporated milk no sugar) in the morning. Come to think of it, I normally have at least 3 servings of caffeine a day. One in the morning and 2 in the afternoons and more if I'm stuck in meetings that serves free flow of coffee or tea. Other than that, I'm feeling quite awake and have enough energy still to move around.

This morning, I watched the young one eat a whole bun - he picked the one with hotdog of course - at the bread shop near our place. That bread shop is his heaven ( not far from the truth since it is operated by a christian group) and he loves the freshly baked breads there lots. Anyway, we were there early and they hadn't made anyone coffee yet. I can watch him eat, no problems but the smell of good coffee would be another thing altogether.

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