Thursday, March 29, 2007

Swimming - Big Red Ant

Brought you out for a swim before dinner, followed by a stroll around the estate after, last night. The small apartment drives you crazy and that seeps into my rather precarious sanity as well.

The swim went well, although it's sad to notice that you've lost all your natural paddling instincts in the last 6 months. It has been that long since we brought you for swims because we were told specifically not to by your doctor.

Anyway, during out tramp after dinner, we found a badminton court with a gallery and you were climbing those huge terraces all by yourself to the top when suddenly, you held out your left arm, looked at it, shuddered and when "Arhh-Arhhh-Arhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! followed almost instantly by a torrent of tears. It was a big red ant. I managed to blow it away with just one puff. *Phew*

Had to hold on to you while you cried it out. You had stumbled on a whole line of them but thankfully, only one of them got onto you. Took me a while to reassure you that you are much bigger than the ants and that they won't hurt you if you don't disturb them. When you were done crying, we started to trace their migration path, taking care not to stand in their way and by the time we were finished with that, you had left your fright behind.

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