Friday, January 09, 2009

Great expectations

Conversations with the big one.

We discussed the small one's 'music education'. We have re-started him on the violin and he's now taking private individual lessons. I think the 3-4 months break worked out well in our favour. He has lost all his bad habits (aka a year of sweat down the drain) and after 2 lessons, we have progressed to getting him to hold the instrument the correct way.

I am thinking of starting him on the piano, since we have a piano sitting in our living room. I was telling the Big One about Yamaha's 4-year program for kids and how it's going to cost another thousand odd per year in fees and how when I told them that the small one's had already taken one year of violin lessons, they dismissed it as, "That's not related to our course!". Well, I've decided I'm going to try to teach the little one how to play the piano myself.

Then I went on how the small one talks and talks and talks and that maybe the best instrument may be a wind instrument. That way, he has no choice but to stop talking while playing the instrument.

We also talked about expectations, about how people behave as you expect them to. i.e If you expect a person to be nice, to behave well, somehow they will. Likewise, if you expect so and so to be mean, they usually turn out that way. We both agreed on this point.

(and then I had an idea!)

Me to Big One: Eh, why don't you expect me to be a beautiful person and then I can become more and more beautiful?

( a big pause) ... followed by loud laughter!

The conversation ended.

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