Monday, March 31, 2008

Before the weekday catches me...

Am dragging the weekend a little longer... before the typical work week drags me into the hole. In no particular order:

Hormonal Drivers, Dinosaurs & Toy Licence

We were in the car and it got a bit bumpy. The little one went, Papa, why you drive not safe? I went, because he drives with hormones! The little one went, Papa is a hormones driver? *we started laughing* Encouraged, he went, "...and then he will become a dinosaur?" (I'm not sure what's the connection but if one doesn't drives safely one becomes extinct? Quite logical right?)

Later, the little one was 'driving' his toy, turning his steering wheel this way and than that way, the big one ( I think he must have been still holding a grudge at being called a hormones driver) went, "Why are you driving like that?" The little one went, "Because I have a TOY LICENCE!" *I almost choked laughing*

Suzuki Violin Class

So there were 5 kids in term 1, 6 kids in term 2 and now, back to 5 kids in term 3 - after 2 terms, one of the kid's parents decided to drop out because that kid wasn't keen on holding the violin still (and they want to send her for therapy classes instead).

There are 3XXs and 2XYs. The 3XXs can play an average of 2.5 pieces. The 2XYs can play... 0.7 (My XY plays 1.3, average dragged down by his other XY buddy). The teacher is having a talk with his buddy's mom so I'm not too sure if his buddy will still continue in the same class after that. Oh dear!

Anyway, I found out that all 3XXs gets encouraged to practice with canes. My XY is not. And so, I really don't care now if he doesn't catch up with the 3XXs.

What a trainwreak! 1 goes to therapy, 1 is branded a laggard and the other 3 gets regular strokes! And none of them has blown 4 candles off their cakes yet!


I heard a bang... and then the big one screaming, "Liu Xue le!!!" ( Blood is flowing out!) and before the little one could burst into tears, I see a huge ball of blood from under the little one's left eye, near the cheekbones, trickle down the cheek. ****!!!! All I could think of is thank the heavens he didn't burst his eyeball. It was bad enough for me to think he needed a stitch, maybe two but the bleeding eventually stopped and I held him for the next hour and a half while he slept with a frown on his babyface, after having his energy completely spent by the brawling.

Eat, Pray, Love

I'm halfways through this book and I'm loving it!

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