Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Sticker Fun

Had some fun today with your loot from your cousins' christmas party at Safra Toa Payoh. The party last night was a blast. You were so happy throughout. Being the shortest and youngest kid there, you had the privilege of having the 1st go at the pinata. Swung pretty well with the plastic bat and managed to hit it twice. Am really very proud of you. When the thing finally broke, all the kids went for the sweets and stickers in a frenzy. It took you about 15 seconds to make out what was happening and when you did, most of the sweets were already snatched up but you were still quite happy with just stickers and went round shouting "Stickers! Stickers! Stickers!" excitedly, picking them up from the floor and then handling them over to us for safekeeping.

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