Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Let's go!

Brought you to the doctor today again. 3rd time in a week. Am starting to wonder if your illness is a physiological reaction to my travels. It's happening often enough for me to notice.

Doctor's diagnosis: Exanthem subitum. No medication required. Will go away in 2-3 days.

What is Exanthem subitum?

Information culled from the web " A sudden onset of high fever of 103° to 106° F with few or minor symptoms. Most children appear inappropriately well for the degree of temperature elevation, but they may experience slight anorexia or one or two episodes of vomiting, running nose, cough, and hepatomegaly. Seizures (but more frequently general cerebral irritability) may occur before the eruptive phase. The rash begins as the fever goes away. The term exanthem subitum describes the sudden "surprise" appearance of the rash after the fall of the fever. Numerous pale pink, almond-shaped macules appear on the trunk and neck. They become confluent, and then fade in a few hours to 2 days without scaling or pigmentation."

Fee: $0

What? Free? This versus your regular PD who once charged us a $45 consultation fee for examining the lump on your thigh caused by the injection she gave you. Nice!

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