Thursday, December 14, 2006

Itchy Rash

Received a call from your Ah Mah at 6pm yesterday, telling me your rashes hasn't gone away. Rushed home to find a little boy covered all over with red patches and scratching madly. Immediately packed you up and took you to the doctor. The one, near our house was closed for renovation. Darn! So, drove you to your regular PD.

On the way there, you fell asleep but woke up suddenly to continue scratching. At one point, it was so irritating, you started screaming from anger, frustration and discomfort. All I could do was drive faster. Got there, dumped the car with the valet and carried you to the clinic. The nurse at your PD commented that you have not been there for a while but added quickly that it was a good thing. *scowl*

The doctor gave you Zyrtec, ...*something prednisolone 1:1*... and some Calamine lotion.

Bill. $76.30

Fed you the medication before we left the clinic. Almost immediately, the itch went away and you calmed down immensely.

The sleep last night was peaceful.

This morning, you woke me up by saying "Good Morning! Good Morning!"

So happy.

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