Tuesday, October 06, 2009


It's getting vicious...

We were all happily eating and pigging out. Till somebody spotted an old photo and commented on how slim they were before. Big ass me was like, "Wait till you see mine!"

As it ended, 6 of us decided to put our weight behind a wager. The prize? $1,500 for whoever loses the most weight by X'mas day.

M the housewife has decided to spit taunts on us daily with announcements like 'I've swam 100 laps in my pool' ( and no, it's not a bath tub) or 'I've just jogged 5.5km while you gals slog at work"

I announced she's the rabbit and I'm the tortoise in this race. So I will win eventually.

Also tried to counter her spits with some guerrilla tactics, announcing, "I've eaten chips and Norwegian chocolates!" or "The bubble green tea I'm having is delicious!" ( actually they are all true! )

She wouldn't bite. Even suggest that there should be double penalty for NO weight loss.

I had to clamp that!

Sent her an sms "and what? Double your annual salary?"

Her response? "Eat my dust, tortoise!"


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