Sunday, September 14, 2008


I buy lottery impulsively. Will walk into any shop that isn't crowded and plonk $2 down. I even bought some when I was in Perth! But the one thing is, I never bother to match them with the results. So I let all these little pieces of hope gather in strange places - folded in between hard cash, some in my laptop bag, others in the toilet - mostly dug absently out of pockets and left somewhere 'safer', in the kitchen drawer where I keep drugs (legal ones of course) - until the big one makes enough noise and then I gather them hopes all up and looked up for the results. The thing is, prizes in Singapore are only valid 90 days from draw date! What if? I don't quite get it. Why do I not care?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should consider writing as a career. This particular line is brilliant:

"So I let all these little pieces of hope gather in strange places"

Very, very nice.

Waste time in Mercer lah.