Thursday, January 03, 2008


Don't know why this topic keep coming up in conversations these few days. Maybe it's all about the new year.

Anyway, maybe the clue about having happy relationships with your close one(s) is all about not trying to make them everything. Think what businesses are doing nowadays! The key word is, "OUTSOURCE"!

So, if you need company, outsource it to a DOG! If you need intellectual stimulation, find somebody smart to talk to. If you need to watch a movie, go with your friend, or neighbour! If you need help with cleaning, call spickn'span or whatever those cleaning companies are called nowadays.

This way is much better don't you think? And I bet that the sum of all parts is definitely going to perform way better than the sum of one individual.



DD said...

so how... when you want another kid? :-)

Carrie said...

Can that be outsourced?

Anonymous said...

yes. a recent ST article was commenting about the growing surrogation trade in India. Talk about long as you have money, anything goes.