Friday, August 31, 2007

Where did the week go??

It's Friday, which means the weekend is here but then, where did the days go? Monday I had a full day meeting, Tuesday I did so many things I cannot remember exactly what they are anymore, except that it rained heavily? Wednesday I attended a full day training session offsite>>>>>>> the boy starting sneezing on Wednesday, coughing on Thursday and today, we had to rush him to the paediatrician because he started wheezing. Ever watched tv and seen people foaming in their mouths? I never thought it could be real until today, the boy coughed out foam! FOAM!!! By the mouthful!!! Cough! Cough! - This great big lump of bubbly white phlegm comes right out. The sight of that plummets my energy level to sub-zero conditions. It'd be a while before I can pick me back up again. But I have to. Quickly too. The boy's definitely the brave one and I need to be strong for him.

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