Friday, August 31, 2007

Finnish Proverbs


Elämä on epävarmaa, syö jälkiruoka ensin.
Life is uncertain so eat your dessert first.

Siellä mies kuin pyy ja sääret kuin sääskillä.
There's a man who looks like a partridge with legs like a mosquito.
>>What could this possibly mean???

Ihmetapauksiin voi toivoa mutta älä luota niihin.
Hope for miracles, but don't rely on one happening.
>> Nett nett equals nothing??

Ei toukokuun ruoholla ole koskaan lehmiä ruokittu.
Cow's diets have never been sustained on grass grown in May.
>> What's wrong with grass grown in May?

Ei se työtä kun uskaltaa vaikka työn ääree makaamaan.
Work doesn't scare him, but he could lay down near it and sleep.
>> What?

Rakkautta tuli paperipussissa sanio likka kun sulhaiselta sai kirjeen.
Love came in a paper bag, said the maiden when she got a letter from her sweetheart.
>> Now.... what did she get in the paper bag that wasn't in the letter?

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