Sunday, June 17, 2007

Parent-Teacher Meeting

Went to meet your teachers yesterday. Received a progress report.

A = Is Able To
I = Is Beginning To
O = Not Able To

Gross Motor Skills:
You got an "A" for all of them: Sit on the floor with legs crossed; Jump in place; Walk forward to a target on a path; Walk while carrying an object; Throw a bean bag; Roll a ball; Kick a large ball; Imitate a body movement.

Fine Motor Skills:
Another sweep of "A": Thread beads onto a string; Build a tower of five blocks; Turn one page of a book at a time.

Self-Help Skills:
Straight A's : Take care of toilet needs independently; Able to use tissue when needed Put on shoes; Feed himself; Wash and dry hands.

Social-emotional Development:
All "A" except for one: A's for Ready to try new activities; Respond when called by name; Play with other children; Share with others; Make a choice when asked: Carry out simple instructions; Establish eye contact during verbal interactions....and an "I" for ability to focus.

Reading Readiness:
Again, all A's and one "I": Enjoy stories; Enjoy books; Enjoy rhymes and try to repeat them; Identify primary colours ( red, blue, yellow); Name different animals; Name different modes of transportation; Name everyday things (table, chair, bowl, plate); Identify basic geometric shapes ( circle, square, triangle); Identify other children by their names: Express feelings - happy, sad, angry; Recognise common sounds; Identify characters (A-M)... and an "I" for ability to recognise own name in written form.

Number Readiness:
Straight A's : Rote count from 1-10; Count meaningfully from 1-5; Complete simple wooden puzzles; Match colors; Match basic geometric shapes; Know the names of geometric shapes; Draw a line; Draw a circle.

Chinese Language (Mandarin):
Hmmm..... one "A" & 3 "I": A for Listen and enjoy songs and rhymes. I's for Sing and recite songs and rhymes; Respond appropriately to simple sentences and phrases; Recognise pictures.

Understanding Body Parts:
Straight A's: Point to main body parts; Identify the five senses and Draw a Man test

This looks quite grotesque but they were impressed with the details. Your "Man" had eyes, mouth and hair!

Lastly, a note from your teachers: BY is a very cheerful and lively boy who is well-liked by all his teachers. He is a very sociable boy who is capable of getting along well with his peers. In general, it is also observed that he seems to show special interest in all form of creative craft activities and would usually participate very well in it. Well done, BY ! Keep it up!

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