Monday, February 12, 2007


Things we do to keep the toddler occupied

(A) Plant a garlic which has already sprouted. Found a small tray, gave you some cotton balls to place inside the tray and some water from the tap. Doubt the garlic will grow very well given that you prefer pulling it by the shoots. Entertainment value - 15 minutes

(B) Made a badge with your name on it. Was given one during a seminar recently - one of those name card holders. So, I wrote your name on the reverse side of my name card, drew a penguin, a chair, a sofa, a wall (this last request was a tough one) and slip it back into the holder. Bingo, your very own badge, which you wore for like only 2 minutes.

(C) Downloaded Thomas the tank engine episodes from youtube...Heheh, this one kept you occupied for more than half an hour.

Hmm... I should dump you in a playschool soon.

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