Monday, July 31, 2006

2 dead wasps in the backyard

There were 2 dead wasps in the car porch and 2 more in the backyard last Thursday. Don't know where they came from. Ah Marh told me you saw the ones in the backyard and dragged Ah Gong there to ask him "What is this?". He told you they were "bees".

Later that evening, when I came home, we went to examine the 2 'bees' in the backyard once more. You peered at them and promptly told me they were "sleeping". I told you they were dead but you insisted they were not, by saying, "No, Sleeping!" I didn't argue.

On Friday, I was having lunch with a colleague who recently became a 1st time mom. She was asking me if I was more careful about taking care of myself after having a kid and told me she can't even cross the road now without being extra cautious. I gave it some thought and told her that having a kid gives you a keener sense of mortality (the fear of impermanence).

And on Saturday, during my yoga class, the instructor, an ex-boss, a friend, told us about her recent trip to India for her 2nd level meditation course - a rebirthing process to purify the energies of her 7 chakras. She said that she discovered one very important thing during this trip and she summarized it as "Life is a joke!"

So my dear boy, why bother with life if at the end of the day, you end up sleeping forever, fear the end even while still alive or believe that it is all a joke?

I don't have the answers, although I believe the study of Buddhism will help shed some light.

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