Saturday, January 02, 2010

2009 Year end break

Some of the things I/we did:
- Visited Snow City
- Watched Avatar in 3D
- Watched Alvin & the chipmunks 2
- Visited 'Body Worlds' and the 'Sound Exhibition' at the Science Centre
- (me) Went to the dentist
- (me) Did my hair and had a pedicure - took a freaking 5 hours!
- (me) Painted the boy's room
- (me) Read a couple of books including 'The Passport' by Herta Muller & 'Forex Patterns & Probabilities' by Ed Ponsi.

The plot in 'The Passport' is too chiem for me to understand but never mind if I don't get it. The prose is nothing like I've ever read before... most of the sentences are composed of no more than 10 words. As a result, each line packs a punch. A small excerpt:

"Around the war memorial are roses. They form a thicket. So overgrown that they suffocate the grass. Their blooms are white, rolled tight like paper. They rustle. Dawn is breaking. Soon it will be day."

It's been a long time since I paid more than a $100 for a book. This one costs about $140.... but I did enjoy reading it so it wasn't a waste of money.

- Attended a few parties and hosted a couple more.
- Closed the "Biggest Loser" challenge. We both lost. The big one lost more than 5kg but still lost. Apparently a new challenge has been drawn up by the winner. This time for $200 each. Weigh-in sometime in April.
- The small one attended his last day of school at the childcare centre. A bit sad... he's been going there half his life!
- We all went for the orientation in his new school. Quite impressed by his Chinese teacher, not so much by his English teacher... who can't seem to understand my simple questions and answer them directly. Quite disappointed. Will have to watch his progress very carefully over the next 2 months.
- Played a round of golf with the big one and totally enjoyed it!

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