Wednesday, December 09, 2009

What time is it?

The boy received a very generous gift in his goodie-haul ( I won't even say it's a goodie bag!)  from Athena's birthday party. A 'Thomas the tank engine' branded "tell the time" learning pack. He was quite interested to 'play' with it. Unfortunately I dragged my feet around it and it took quite a while for me to show him how it works.

Took it out for the 2nd time last night and was delighted he still remembered how to tell time by the hour, know what's "half past", "quarter to" and quarter past". So I showed him how to count by 5's. By the way, these are all marked on the clock. So he's able to quickly identify what's 1:10; 2:25 etc. Challenge will come on a real clock.

Which makes me wonder, when will he discover that the 10 minutes of violin practice I ask of him each day is in fact closer to 20.

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