Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I've not eaten any meat since the 29th of May. Even my mother has noticed it and ominously warned that my hair will start dropping off in clumps if I don't take any meat. Anyway, it's been a couple of weeks and enough time for lunch companions to notice too.

I was questioned why...

"Is it for health?"
"Is it for religion?"

... and I don't really have an answer for it.

I've flirted with it for ages, having not ate pork for years until the pregnancy cravings reversed that. Having nothing but Yong Tau Fu ( the ones that had very little meat in them ) or claypot vege for months while in uni and so forth. But somehow, I'd end up eating some meat, some of the time. The totality of not eating any meat at all was never there.

At least not until now.

It's been 2 odd weeks. I don't know if this thing will be permanent. But this time round, it's feels different. It feels like I'm not running away from meat... but that meat abandoned me.

I thought it might be difficult to avoid it... but it's actually been quite easy. Because when meat abandons you, even staring at it doesn't stir up any emotions. There's neither disgust nor cravings. You look at it and see other people eat it and it's left as that.

Soya bean milk anyone?

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