Sunday, July 08, 2007


So much to write about today.

It started with a trip to the PD. Doctor goes, "your child doesn't smoke, he doesn't have cancer, he is coughing because he has asthma! No normal person will cough for 2 whole months! If it's viral, he will have a fever and that will go away after threatment or antibiotics! You need to control his condition with asthma medication!!!"

Right, so the Funhaler, an asthma medicine delivery device, which we've unsuccesfully tried to get you to use 10 months ago is back in play. After tonight, we can tell the hiatus didn't make any difference. You still refuse it.

Late afternoon, decided to go to the beach. You found a branch. We found you a line and a hook and also, a dead fish. Tied the line to your branch, the hook to the line, the fish to the hook and threw it back into the water for you. You spent the next half an hour 'fishing' and attracted some attention when some people there thought you had really caught something with your primitive rod.

What a horrid waste of life. Somebody had caught it and obviouly, didn't think much of it. It's tiny but rather than throw it back to live, left it to die rot. Big One said we are only recycling it, rather than have you catch another one...

When it was time to go, you cried buckets. I unhooked the dead fish and put it in your hands. You refused to let it go. Told you it needs to go back to it's mother and back home (heaven) for dinner. With more tears, you threw it back into the water. Very reluctantly. But you did let it go anyways. I'm so very proud of you. *hugs*

Went for dinner at PP hawker centre. You ate very well and so, we let you off to the playground alone after you finished. 15 minutes later, I thought I saw some distress and walked towards you... only to find you hitting another boy. Both of you were going for the same thing. He refused to let go. You hit him. He hung on. You hit him some more.

Pulled you off on the spot and demanded that you apologise. You just cried and cried and cried. So I took you aside, sat you on the bench and waited for you to cry it out. When you were more settled, explained to you that the playground is not yours, it is common property and you need to learn how to share and play with other people because the playground is meant for everybody and that if you want to continue playing, you have to apologise to the boy and learn how to share and not fight or hit other people.

Thing went peacefully for a while, until a boy 3 or 4 years older (not the same guy you hit) decided to rock you violently while you were on the spring rocker. You yelled for him to "STOP!" but he didn't. We intervened only when you lost your grip and slipped off. By then, you were in tears.

Later, the boy tried again, a second time. The Big One intervene and told him off. He stopped.

Anyway, it was time to go. On the way back to the car...

Were you scared when the boy rocked you?
Were you angry when the boy didn't stop?
Did Papa come and save you?
Next time you have to learn how to save yourself ok?
>>> I cannot lift me up!! HOW??
(So true! Nobody has the power to airlift themselves!)
....Eh, you think of a way larh ok?
>>> Ok.

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