Monday, August 29, 2005

Bilingual Toddler

You turned 1 year old last week.

You can now....
Walk a few steps unassisted.
Stand upright from a squatting position.
Put both hands high up in the air when we say "So Big!"
Point to your toes when we ask you where they are (only when you are not wearing shoes - you can't find them when you have shoes on - much to our amusement).
Say "UP" when you go up the stairs.
Imitate me and say "Ma~an Ma~aan" when I ask you to slow down.
Wave Bye-Bye & send a flying kiss with a loud 'POUK'!
Shake your head.
Point to the same thing when we ask you where is the Banana? or Where is the Xiang Jiao?

You still....
Refuse to sit down quietly so that we can bathe you, preferring to sit outside of the tub most times.
Cry like a baby for milk in the mornings.
Pick and put all sorts of stuff into your mouth.
Refuse to stay still when we try to change your diaper.

You are now almost 10kg and 78cm tall. You started out a year ago at 3.45Kg and 50cm long.

Your first year.
You probably won't remember much of it.
We will.


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