Sunday, September 19, 2010

家张会 - Parent Teacher Meeting

Was in the school for 2 hours for a parent-teacher meeting last Friday. Was a really good session. At least now I understand which text are for which lessons and what he needs to have in his pencil case. He was missing a ruler, a pencil sharperner, a 勾线笔 (which I later found out meant art markers) and a 'plate' that can be placed below the sheet he is writing on. They also helped me download an application in my laptop - the app is part of their 'method' to help the kid recognise 1,500 Chinese characters in 10 weeks. Kid learns 30 characters in school each day and is tested by having them type the 拼音 for these characters. Other than that, the meeting was pretty much a one-way street. Teacher speaks, Parent (me) listens.

On one occasion, I turned to the Mother sitting behind me and asked, "她讲什么?" (What did she say?) She responded ,“我不知道!”( I don't know!) in equal amounts of exasperation. Hahhaa!!! We became friends immediately. She's from Malaysia.

Right. Current diversity count is 2 Singaporeans ( including the boy), 1 Malaysian and 1 Taiwanese.

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