Monday, August 17, 2009

Party Plagiarisation

Stealing some of my friend's notes:

" ... BY's 5th Birthday party at Toa Payoh Safra Indoor Gym. Party was relatively relaxed as adults weren't allowed in the Indoor maze... BY's mum conducted a game contest in the party room and it went very well. The kids were given some stuff to 'build the tallest structure', with broad hints that the structure need not be on the floor to be the tallest. Teams went at it, with the birthday boy on the mike hollering instructions...the birthday boy's really hilarious!..."

Real easy party. No frills. 20 kids were invited, 14 showed up, 2 called in sick and 4 more kinda didn't respond at all... which didn't matter. I wanted as little fuss as possible so didn't bother chasing for RSVPs. The boy helped packed the goodie bags, I cooked some vegetarian food and we bought the cake enroute to the venue.

Venue is great. Lots of space and not as crowded as Downtown East or Go-go Bambini. Room came with deco and enough chairs and tables for everyone. Catered food though was very disappointing. No outside food allowed, so the caterer had a monopoly business which they merrily exploited.


The boy was hilarious!!!

Happy birthday funny boy!

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