Friday, February 22, 2008


I'm crazy. Been working working working... worse, when the boy is parked at my parents as he has been since Tuesday evening, I work. I have about 40 more things to do on my list to finish today and it's already 7:36pm! My ears are ringing from having spoken too long to people whose monther tongue is not English. Mind you, I have full respect for people who speak English well, even though it's not their first language. My Mandarin is not equivalent to their English for sure. And my nervous system is vibrating from the massive earth shaking roadwords that is occuring right where my office building sits. A colleague of mine likens it to sitting on a massage chair, only negatively comfortable. The big one and the small one is due to appear at my office to pick me up anytime. I have to get back to work, one more item off the list is one more item off my mind. Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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