Thursday, December 27, 2007

Mummy Bean and Boy Bean

Mummy Bean hides everything in boy's food. Pork, Beef, Fish, Vegetables, all hidden and mixed amongst his favourite pasta. It a science. If the balance it tipped, the food gets totally rejected. Sometimes, if she knows she might lose the battle, she garnishes them with fishballs or fishcakes or sausages at a ratio of 1/2 spoonful junk to 5 spoonfuls of real unprocessed food. But it's a losing battle. Boy Bean has learnt the tricks of the trade. He has learnt to spit the tiniest fish flake out, separate the vegetables from the pasta with his fork or flick the offending piece of 'tough' meat back into the pot where it came from with his spoon. Sometimes, Mummy Bean tries to hide real food under a paper thin slice of fish cake but Boy Bean has learnt how to fish the prize off the top without eating any of the rest!

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