Wednesday, September 28, 2005

A mouthful of hay

You are getting better at walking and so your father and I though we'd bring you to some wide open spaces so you can show off your new skills!

We went to the Botanic Gardens on Saturday and then East Coast Park on Sunday. These pictures were taken in East Coast Park.

We wanted to hold your hands but you pulled them away. This escapade ended up with you falling, of all places, onto a muddied patch.

Dirty but safe on the grass patch, we left you alone to examine the fallen twigs and leaves as well as the miniature durians - more properly known as cones from the casurina trees.

At one point, you played with YeYe's walking stick, got tangled, lost your balance and fell on your face. You sat up, unhurt but a bit stunned, with a mouthful of dried grass in your mouth. That was so funny!

At some other point, you tried to hijack a tricycle and rearrange some portable stools belonging to your neighbouring picnickers. For all the disturbance you caused them, they rewarded you with a pack of mini M&Ms!

The privilege of being very very young.

You can get away with almost anything!

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