Saturday, October 09, 2010


Our shipment arrived today. I still don't understand how so few things can be packed into 81 boxes but that's not quite the point. What's more significant is that the arrival of our stuff from Singapore has made this move official.

A colleague who had just completed a 5 year assignment in Shanghai, left us with her favourite mantra - a famous quote from the philosopher Henry David Thoreau - "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you imagine."

I've made many attempts to move out of Singapore... but chickened out on quite a few attempts.
- decided not to pursue my degree overseas.
- even though I was jobless, did not move to the Philippines with the Big One ( then boyfriend)
- did not move to Thailand with the Big One ( whom I had married by then)
- rejected a 2-year assignment to London 3 years ago and then quit that company instead.

This move to Shanghai will not have happened if I had not dreamed it some in the first place. So yes, I do want this and couldn't have done it without the clear support from the people around me. 

I am very lucky.

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