Tuesday, June 28, 2005


These last couple of weeks was all about new discoveries.

We discovered you could…

Open and close your fingers to the song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars".

Point to you ear when we ask you where it was.

Roll a ball back.

Stand upright unsupported for a couple of seconds.

Wave bye-bye ... although somewhat unwillingly.

Play with the sand on the beach and not try to eat them.

Look and point upwards when we ask you where an aeroplane was.

Babble and make loads of different noises.

Look for bear-bear, ball-ball or bird-bird.

Look under the cover for bear-bear when we hide him from you.

Protest, cry and fuss when things are taken away from you.

Crawl towards us and hug us tight when you are frighten - usually by loud mechanical noises - the boom of fighter jets, the ear piercing whoosing sound from the valves at the back of the rubbish truck, the igniting rumble of the Postman's motobike.

Differentiate between a remote control and a wireless phone.

Choose when you want to be carried and by whom.

....to be continued.

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