Saturday, February 09, 2008

The Macabre

Was at my cousin's place last night and got lured into a game of mahjong... played 4 or 5 games before asking the big one to take over. The pace was getting too quick and I hardly breathed, trying to keep up in the game. I don't know half the rules and have only played seriously ( i.e with real money) less than 5 times in my life!

Anyway, after the big one took over, I found my son watching TV - 2 men were being attacked by giant bugs and there was this giant leech mouth stuck to the head of one of them and trying to ingest the fellow. I walked to the little one and scooped him off the bean bag. His eyes were wide and his expression was one of shock.

I ran the little fellow upstairs, away from the TV, thinking he would go but found him half a minute later, squatting on the staircase landing, still watching the TV from his perch.

As much as it horrifies, we watch.


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