Sunday, November 11, 2007

Super Long weekend... (4days)

Asked. What did we do on Thursday? Blank on Big One's face... Took a full minute before I remember what we did.

We went to the Airport! By MRT! Together with the boy, thinking T3 was open. It was not. So we walked around the other two terminals, ate and came back by train again. The boy puked. Twice. I think we gave him a neb that evening.

Friday. Gave the boy another neb in the morning and off we went to the beach. Boy fussed when we refused to let him ride his own bike but stopped when we showed him the tandem bike with a child seat in front. He rode while we peddled. Think he must have enjoyed it very much, kept shouting, " Faster Mummy! Faster Papa! Faster!" We had to tell him to "SHUT UP!". Because he was getting breathless screaming his lungs out whilst we ( maybe just I ) were peddling like crazy. While we rested at the beach near the hawker centre, the boy found an almost new plastic pipe, the type people use for plumbing, twice his height in length and had a fantastic time dragging, digging, hitting and piping (sand) with it; something not possible ever to play with in our tiny flat.

Saturday. The boy went for his violin lesson. He's better this week. I promised him a hamburger if he behaved. He did and I bought a S$1.85 cheeseburger from Macdonalds. Was a bit shocked at how miserly it was; the boy ate the whole thing.

Today... went to Jacob Ballas Childrens Garden. Thought the installation at the entrance was quite cool. The boy had fun. He enjoyed throwing a couple of pebbles into the 'river' whilst balacing on a tree trunk, wreaking havoc on a patch of mimosa plants, climbing up the tree house and sliding down the tubes; 'chopping' a hollow tree truck with a stick, navigating the maze bush and working the excavator on the playground. Refused to nap in the afternoon.

He must know too that the looong weekend is coming to an end.

* I managed to finish a book called INTO THE WILD by JON KRAKAUER.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we were also there wif e 2 boys abt 6pm. gabe saw e water feature, nearest 2 e entrance. rushed 2 it n got himself wet. didnt even hv e chance 2 proceed elsewhere. i agree it's a cool place. can definitely go again.