Wednesday, November 07, 2007


I was asked to remove one of my post and that was the only post which had the words "Sex" and "Condoms" in 1 sentence! Anyway, today's post is about ERP and VBLs and I am hoping nobody will ask me to take this one out.

So, ERP prices has gone up 3 times this year did you know that? I didn't. Heard it in the news and went oh no!!! I really don't care much about it. I only hear a beep. The Big One however, hears notes and coins flying out together with THE BEEP. And so, he gets irritated when I don't leave the house before 7:30am to avoid THE BEEPS and gives me THE FACE. Right! So now that a new gantry has been installed that operates between 6-8pm at night, if I am to avoid THAT BEEP, I need to either leave on the dot or work 12-hour shifts. Failing which THAT BEEP will go off!

Anyway, not wishing to get THE FACE, I took the train to work today. It costs less than A BEEP. On the way, I was considering the consequence of this action - could having less BEEPS recorded mean that the BEEPS are effective and therefore give rise to more or louder BEEPS in the future? SHIT... and then I noticed something. It is impossible to spot VBLs... "Visible Brief Lines".

How do the man get this one right? Started looking at every male butt on the train and on the way to work to try to spot one. Didn't see any.

Hmmm....wondering if this VBL spotting activity of mine will convince the Big One to become BEEP-DEAF.

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