Monday, March 28, 2011

Chinese as a first language

The boy kept  his test paper again. Reason: 我还在做!(I'm still working on it!) I made him hand it to his teacher the next day, as-is. It came back with a "C".

His Chinese grades vary according to some unknown elements. Some days he gets it, some days, he just doesn't. Some days, he comes back with 83% for spelling and other days 95% ( I think the lowest you can get is 56%-60% since the teacher normally gives them 20 phrases / 40-44 characters and takes away 1% for each wrong character).

The thing is, these spelling tests doesn't happen on a fixed day, and there are no spelling lists. The only clue I get is when he writes 'Revise chapter 3-5' on his note book. Last Friday, his notes read: Revise chapter 11-15.

The boy was not at all concerned or emotional about it. I SO WAS! That's 5 chapters / ~ 50 phrases / at least 100 characters !!!! Here's a sample.....


We worked on it Sunday evening... wonder who the bigger procrastinator? By 9:30pm, his eyes glazed over and I called it quits.

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