Monday, September 06, 2010

Violin remake II

Found him a teacher in GuBei area. There was fellow Singaporean Mother who had accompanied her child to school during the orientation. They've been here in Shanghai about 3 years and had moved from Beijing. I casually asked if her daughter was taking up music lessons and she told me about how happy she was with her daughter's current violin teacher. *Click*

During the 'trial' session (paid trial) the boy played "Kemp's Jig" and the teacher took over ... and I was horrified!  She went on vibrato maximus on every note and it sounded more like "Kemp's funeral". Oh God!

She was saved by her next student, who was asked to perform a couple of the pieces that she was currently working on for us. Then I thought, ok, if this girl can read those notes and play that range on her instrument, then maybe it's time to get the boy aquainted with solfege and for us to give this teacher a go.

I had read in the forums that it is virtually impossible to find a Suzuki music teacher here in Shanghai. While they can teach what is in the books ( the pieces), the methodology they used is not Suzuki's. Pretty evident that this teacher is not going to write finger numberings on his scores!

His first lesson proper was about translating notes into solfege equivalents.... E to Mi, A to La, D to Re and G to Soh.... and some basic music terms into Chinese as well.

It's be at least a month a backtracking before we see any progression from where he left off. One consolation is that his fees here (SG$18/lesson) are a third of what it used to be in SG.

>>>I'm having evil thoughts of making him go for lessons twice weekly!

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