Monday, July 26, 2010

A good specimen I am.

Went to SGH for a health screening so that I can get the work permit. What did they do? They collected pee, drew blood, measured, weighed, tested the eyes for both vision and color blindness, poked the belly, tapped the knee, tickled the feet, x-rayed the lungs and did an electrocardiogram (ECG). Felt very brave today so looked while they put in the needle. Saw the nurse take a tube, then 2...and then the 3rd and then I had to burt out...  "How many do you need?" She said, "4"... I asked, "Why?!?" and she said... "Yah, in SGH is like this. Everybody do their own thing. So each lab can only test for 1 thing."


I think we call this "working in silos"

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