Sunday, September 13, 2009

I had never seen him run so fast in his life!

We were at the park - the boy was barefoot and had to pee. The nearest toilet is some 300 metres away and so he took a leak near a tall palm tree. Later, he told me that he had aimed at the army of red ants. Anyway, one of them took revenge by biting him just below his left knee and when he realized that he had been bitten, he bolted!

I heard him scream, "HELP!" as he turned away from the tree and ran towards us. We were some 40 metres away from him. I can still see it in my head - his running gait was so amazingly graceful as he flew down the slope in supersonic speed and his focus on us was so intense, nothing in his path could have stopped him from reaching us.

Btw, we couldn't find the ant. He ran so darn fast, the ant sure had trouble hanging on.

I couldn't help but tell him he has to remember this - so that in future, when he has track & field, he can use this memory to help him win the race.


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