How would you teach your sons or daughters about sex? Would you handle this responsibility yourself or would you leave it to their teachers, schools or the society in general to tell them what is NORMAL, ABNORMAL, RIGHT or WRONG? Please leave a comment.
The understanding of sex is also about understanding life as one can't talk about sex without the context of life itself. So that can't be the responsibility of the school or society.
The school is good for intellectual knowledge whereas meaning of sexuality and sexual communion is in the space of spirituality. If parents are not clear themselves, they can't teach their kids either.
So as a parent, you will have to raise your intelligence to seek the truth about life so that you can give your children the right concept about sexuality and values of sex and not laden by fantasies and lust.
Hope this helps. :-)
Definitely the role of the family and not school.
These are issues of morality and these are usually influenced by the moral/religious leaning of the family.
Unless there is only one world religion or lack of, and one universally accepted standard for what is right and wrong, there will never be an agreement at the national level on what is right or wrong.
Hence, I think the role belongs to the parents.
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