Sunday, April 06, 2008

Sat's Dinner

Decided at 5pm we were going to cook dinner and invite a couple of friends over. The challenge? Make food that the kids will eat and all in 2 hours. Hamburgers and fries?

Burgers: Weightwatcher minced beef mixed with leeks, onions, garlic, pepper, wine, pinch of salt and fried in butter!

Salad: Tossed fresh baby spinach, rocket, cherry tomatoes, cranberries, figs and raisin.

Mussels: Boiled in a pot of water with a handful of garlic (Quite unplanned. They looked good so we bought them)

Friends: We didn't eat them but they were lovely company to the food!

Potatoes (Did not take a picture of the fries... it was not pretty but the kids loved it): Fried.

Bread: Off the shelf Muffins and Focaccia

Drinks: Champagne and Guava Juice

Dessert: Strawberries dipped in chocolate

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