Friday, August 31, 2007

Finnish Proverbs


Elämä on epävarmaa, syö jälkiruoka ensin.
Life is uncertain so eat your dessert first.

Siellä mies kuin pyy ja sääret kuin sääskillä.
There's a man who looks like a partridge with legs like a mosquito.
>>What could this possibly mean???

Ihmetapauksiin voi toivoa mutta älä luota niihin.
Hope for miracles, but don't rely on one happening.
>> Nett nett equals nothing??

Ei toukokuun ruoholla ole koskaan lehmiä ruokittu.
Cow's diets have never been sustained on grass grown in May.
>> What's wrong with grass grown in May?

Ei se työtä kun uskaltaa vaikka työn ääree makaamaan.
Work doesn't scare him, but he could lay down near it and sleep.
>> What?

Rakkautta tuli paperipussissa sanio likka kun sulhaiselta sai kirjeen.
Love came in a paper bag, said the maiden when she got a letter from her sweetheart.
>> Now.... what did she get in the paper bag that wasn't in the letter?


HR came with a confirmation letter for me today and I yelled out , "What? I have 4 more days to think about it! Go away!!!"

They just laughed and gave it to me anyways.

I can't believe they like me better than I like them.... and that I might actually stay here longer than I thought I would.

Where did the week go??

It's Friday, which means the weekend is here but then, where did the days go? Monday I had a full day meeting, Tuesday I did so many things I cannot remember exactly what they are anymore, except that it rained heavily? Wednesday I attended a full day training session offsite>>>>>>> the boy starting sneezing on Wednesday, coughing on Thursday and today, we had to rush him to the paediatrician because he started wheezing. Ever watched tv and seen people foaming in their mouths? I never thought it could be real until today, the boy coughed out foam! FOAM!!! By the mouthful!!! Cough! Cough! - This great big lump of bubbly white phlegm comes right out. The sight of that plummets my energy level to sub-zero conditions. It'd be a while before I can pick me back up again. But I have to. Quickly too. The boy's definitely the brave one and I need to be strong for him.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Golden 3's

The boy's 3.
He is
no longer a baby,
no longer a toddler.
He talks,
he sings,
and he says silly things.
He makes me laugh,
roll up my eyes,
or scream ARHHHHhhhh !!!!
He's 2 times taller,
4 times heavier
and a gazillion times better
than anything
that I could
ever want.

Friday, August 24, 2007



....SO funny!!!

What is that?

These 3 photos of the cousins, taken within seconds of each other, absolutely cracks me and the big one up. Their expressions so mirror each other we really don't know how they did it.

School Party

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Weekend starts now...

... am taking the day off tomorrow. Quite excited. Can just imagine myself walking with 20 odd balloons filled (with helium) down the kiddy school and watching the little one's reaction to it.

Tomorrow also, we have a part-time helper coming in to help us clean the house. Found her on the train on the way to work yesterday. It's very bizarre...have been thinking about it for weeks and weeks and suddenly, the person just pops up beside you. Right, I was eavesdropping but I can't stop my ears from hearing things right? This means I don't have to wash the toilets, change the sheets, mop the floor and iron our clothes anymore!!! The price of laziness >>> $50 per 4 hour block.

Current Mood: Helium!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Birthday Charity

....If you are thinking of getting BY a pressie for his birthday... please make a donation to the Singapore Children's Cancer Fund instead. Visit or click here to make a donation. Thank you!

Back to school

Brought the boy back to school today. This after a 6-week break. He wasn't very sure of himself though but did say "Bye Bye Mummy" to me, without any tears. Hope he'd have fun today.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Nintendo DS

I watched the small one watch another with a Nintendo DS...

Passport revisited...

Me: Eh, so when are you going to make a passport for him? He's turning 3 soon!
>>> Orh
Me: We also need his passport number for the cruise!
>>> Nowadays passport number same as birth cert. number.
Me: Oh, so we can use birth cert to travel nowadays ah?
>>> ???!????

Friday, August 17, 2007

I got tagged again!

This time, by Kelly. Thought I get away with just answering just ONE question off that list.

Anyway, here goes:

Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now...

ONE/ At the Beach.... >> that would mean I'm not working
TWO/ At a beach in Maldives >> that would mean I'm not working and on holiday
THREE/ At a private beach in Maldives >> that would mean I'm not working, on a holiday and rich!
FOUR/ At a private beach in Maldives .... eh .... eh ... sunbathing in the nude?? >> HahhaahhhH!!! That would mean I'm not working, on a holiday, rich and have a great hot bod and no double chins ( there and there and there...) !!!!


Back to work....

Pig and Spider

Mummy, where is my pig and spider?
What pig and spider?
I want my Pig and Spider!!
I don't know what you are talking about...
I want my PIg and SPider!!!
What Pig and Spider?
PIG AND SPIDER!!!!!!!!!!
What is it? Is it a book?
PIG AND SPIDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT MY PIG AND SPIDER!!!!!!!!!!!!
.........*pause* ........ORHHHHHHH! YOU WANT CHARLOTTE'S WEB is it?

*** i give up! ***

Monday, August 13, 2007

Tagged by Mel.

Four jobs I have held in my life:

ONE/ Biscuit distributor during our tea-time in kindergarten. Fired after the 1st day because I dropped all of it on the floor! (Demoted to....)
TWO/ Wiping tables for the rest of that year!
THREE/ White hair removal service. Uncle's rate was 5 cents per strand ... back then, you could get 3 blackcurrant flavoured Hacks for 10 cents!
FOUR/ Barber.. for the last three years. I have only one precious customer... (",)

Chinese Chinese

My Question: So how does the Chinese in China view the Chinese who grew up in other parts of the world (i.e ME)?

Answer: The difference lies in whether you can speak Chinese ... or not. If you can speak the language, then there is no difference.

*oh* ...and so I sprouted my usual nonsense...

Me: Right! Ok! I will polish up my Chinese so that the next time we meet, we will converse in Chinese!

... oh shit shit shit shit shit shit.... shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit...............................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Weekend in Beijing

Had to start a new post to get away from the last. Hahhaa!! (",)

Meetings start tomorrow morning but I flew in yesterday, a day earlier and spent most of this weekend with CTLK. She brought me to all the nice shopping & eating places, and to a very lovely massage that costs honestly quite little @ RMB 97/hr (SGD20). A comparable one in Singapore would have costs 10 times as much.

The last time I was here must have been in .... 2002? Between then and now, the city has changed soooooooo much! There are now not many short buildings left! Used to think the city is massive because it had so much space but with so many tall buildings around, your sight just goes from block to block and it's really hard to get a feel of the space or even try to imagine it when all you see is blocks.

CTLK told me that some buildings (and she pointed to one really really tall one) take only 4 months to build. I went, "Oh, so no need to wait for the cement to dry?" So happened that her friend is working for a property developer was with us and she went, "Oh, you don't have to wait for the cement to dry nowadays! Nowadays, we use pre-cast. It's like lego, you just stack them up. The most time-consuimg part is the part where you have to bolt them together."

Well well well, we live and learn everyday don't we?

You know you've eaten too much when...

.... you burp food! A bit gross but the truth is, I really ate too much. Portions here in Beijing are so huge and with a supposedly good habit of not wasting food, you'd end up eating enough to burp it back up!!! So, will start being wiser tomorrow and leave real food on the table instead of regurgitated blobs!?!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

"Asymmetrical Information"

Heard these 2 words put together for the first time. Think it's brilliant! So, to make it stick, thought up some other combinations:

Asymmetrical couple
Asymmetrical behaviour
Asymmetrical thoughts
Asymmetrical lives
Asymmetrical values
Asymmetrical influences
Asymmetrical calendars
Asymmetrical directions
Asymmetrical evidence


I want to be me when I grow up.

Couple of months ago...

Q: Do you want to be Papa or Mummy when you grow up?
A: Papa & Mummy

This morning....

Q: Do you want to be Papa or Mummy when you grow up?
A: I want to be me!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Interviewed 5 people so far, 2 more to go and NONE so far has bothered to check the website to find out what we do. Can you believe it? In this day and age, it's so easy to get information and yet these people spent time coming, spent money on transport, obviously interested in the job, but not bothered enough to find out what kind of company they might be working for?

Plus, 2 out of the 5 were late.

And! After explaining to them what we do, how we are structured and what the scope is, I expect QUESTIONS!!! Even paraphrasing what I said would have been fantastic!!! How difficult can that be?

Monday, August 06, 2007

The Weekend...


Spent 6 hours at the beach with the boys on Saturday. It was just one of the most fantastic day to spend at the beach. The wind was just coming and coming in from the sea and making lovely white caps in the waves. Would have been a fantastic day for sailing too.

The big one and I met on a boat named Pegasus.

Well, while I insisted on doing nothing, the Small One dashed dangerously around with his scooter - he's become amazingly good at it within a very short period of time.


Attended HH's wedding. She made it! Hahhahaaa...!!!

Day before the wedding, I sms-ed her... "One more day!" and she replied, "Relax, I'm not running away. Ha! This time, I can't wait for the wedding to be over!" Well, dear girl, it is ok for her to be wishing the wedding to be over soon. Just remember to also wish for the marriage to last forever. (",)

Anyway, it was one of the most relaxed chinese wedding celebrations I've been to thus far and she looked unforgettably amazing in her Cheong Sum.

The Small One ran around with his friend, QQ at the wedding. At one point, he hugged her and was catch in the act by QQ's father, and he was amused but not very, which made it even more amusing. My dear boy, never ever hug a girl in the presence of her father, no matter how innocent you may be!

Friday, August 03, 2007


I woke up and found a double chin. A DOUBLE CHIN! Asked the big one... eh, I think I have a double chin. He looks and says, "Yah, I think you need to tone it up."

How encouraging... tone up the chin? ***** How on earth do you do that? Hmmm... chomp on more food? And so, as I write this, I'm toning up my chin with a curry potato puff and a large ice teh-tarik and waiting for a colleage to come back with more things to chomp on - Chicken Briyani!

But seriously, the food here at where I work is FANTASTIC!

This Week's Lunch Menu:
Monday - Collagen-rich soup base Ramen ( with HH, the lady who is about to walk down the aisle this Sunday with her catch from Washington)
Tuesday - Japanese Beef Paper Pot (with a brave lady - at least I think anyone who is pregnant at 41 is brave!)
Wednesday - Pomelo Salad with Prawn, Chicken Green Curry and Mango Fried Fish (with my grumpy ex-boss / friend / uber-intelligent-being)
Thursday - Chicken Feet Hor Fun (with the Big One)
Friday - Still waiting for the Briyani....!!!

Kind of contradictory huh? After all these chin-chomping-toning exercises, I still wake up with a DOUBLE CHIN? *grin*

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Fisher-Price >>> toy recall

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Toy-maker Fisher-Price is recalling 83 types of toys - including the popular Big Bird, Elmo, Dora and Diego characters - because their paint contains excessive amounts of lead.... Owners of a recalled toy can exchange it for a voucher for another product of the same value. To see pictures of the recalled toys, visit . For more information, call Mattel's recall hot line at 800-916-4498.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Eh, can you bring him go make passport?
>>>Submit via internet can already!
Orh, then bring him go get his photo taken.
>>>Digital camera white background can already!

Hmmm... I kinda remember we had a similar conversation some months ago.

I'm in love...

...because I find myself watching you all the time. And especially before I get to work and whilst you're still asleep, i'd look at you, your face, your hands, your feet, your ears, your hair...and think just how perfect you are. In those moments, nothing else in the world really matters anymore. I.Love.You.