Friday, June 15, 2007

I stopped breathing...

I have been working and working and working this week. I think I stopped breathing on Wednesday morning. Didn't sleep much that night - working again.

On Thursday, I looked through my employment contract, paying close attention on the clause on notice period. Thursday evening, I had a meeting which ended disastrously in my opinion. 2 people tried to explain to me how I should not do the things that I wanted to do. I frowned, shook my head and told them, "I don't understand what you are saying!" One walked out of the room after trying twice. The other tried explaining it several more times and gave up.

Friday morning 3am, I woke up from a non-sleep. The mind was chattering non-stop. Anyway, I woke up from the non-sleep and drew something like this....

Noon, I presented it to my boss and walked out of the meeting room breathing again.

Strolled to the coffeeshop nearby and bought myself a chicken drumstick from the Nasi Padang store and boy, was it the tastiest thing I ate this week!

Now, I wonder how my lunches will taste like next week.... >>>Better I hope!

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