Friday, June 29, 2007

The end of 4 weeks.

Today marks the end of 4 weeks at my new job. I'm honestly surprised that it has been four weeks. It has not been an easy 4 weeks but the time just flew by so quickly and for better or worse, I can already see the whole month of July zipping by.


This, compared to the 6 weeks at home, in between jobs, which went by very. very. very. very. slowly.

I love the time spent at home, although on hindsight, I wasn't doing very well on the mundane end, getting overly flustered by housework and scolding both Big and Small for not aiming properly. Petty but true.

Part of me wants to be home with the Small. But when at home, I feel very ill-equipped for the role of a homemaker. So now that I'm working, I feel guilty about not being home, especially for times when the Small One tells me, over the phone earlier this week, "Mummy, I cry for you just now. "

He's really sweet and growing up quickly too. Just want to make sure I don't miss out on him while working.

It's always going to be this way right? Grass greener on the other side? Just wondering if there is a good balance and if there is, what it is.

Been thinking a bit about the future as well. What I aimed for, the targets I've set in my 20's have been more or less achieved, amazingly, through luck and/or hard work and I think I just need a greater sense of purpose for the rest of my 30's.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Grumble grumble

Left before the son woke yesterday.
Arrive home after son slept.
Left home today before the son woke.
Excited about having dinner with son and the Big One.
They are on the way.
Son has fallen asleep in the car.

Monday, June 25, 2007


These 2 are born 2 weeks apart.
The boy is older
but the girl walked, jumped & sang
before he did.
Funny these 2.


I can't decide whether I'm doing well or doing sh*ts. Am I happy or am I not? Should I be or shouldn't I be. Neither either. That's kinda weird.

I get distracted easily. I see someone with a whole durian in one hand and a mobile phone in another and wonder, not about what the heck he's doing, whether or not he'll put the wrong object to his ears but rather, about his haircut. If I'm taking the train and trying to manoeuvre myself to the front of the the escalator during the peak of peak hour, I think maybe, that's how penguins arrange themselves. Side to side, side to side, small steps, don't overstep and fall over each other. On the crowded underpass, I listen to the multitude of heels & soles slapping themselves on the granite floor and wonder if there's a longer underpass, whether everyone will eventually fall in step and march instead.

Need a purpose.


Friday, June 22, 2007

(sic) Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source

–adverb Latin.
so; thus: usually written parenthetically to denote that a word, phrase, passage, etc., that may appear strange or incorrect has been written intentionally or has been quoted verbatim: He signed his name as e. e. cummings (sic).

Some stuff you see but never bothered/have the time to find out what it is. For me, this is one of it. (",)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Spit it out too!

Hmm..... if you are really angry at someone and want them to do something about it and they say, " I see that you are angry/frustrated/in despair"... it means that they have identified your emotions and therefore will be wired in such a way that they actually become less responsive to your anger?

Spit it out!

CHICAGO, June 20 (Reuters) - Putting feelings into words makes sadness and anger less intense, U.S. brain researchers said on Wednesday, in a finding that explains why talking to a therapist -- or even a sympathetic bartender -- often makes people feel better.

They said talking about negative feelings activates a part of the brain responsible for impulse control.

"This region of the brain seems to be involved in putting on the brakes," said University of California, Los Angeles researcher Matthew Lieberman, whose study appears in the journal Psychological Science.

He and colleagues scanned the brains of 30 people -- 18 women and 12 men between 18 and 36 -- who were shown pictures of faces expressing strong emotions.

They were asked to categorize the feelings in words like sad or angry, or to choose between two gender-specific names like "Sally or Harry" that matched the face.

What they found is that when people attached a word like angry to an angry-looking face, the response in the amygdala portion of the brain that handles fear, panic and other strong emotions decreased.

"This seems to dampen down the response in these basic emotional circuits in the brain -- in this case the amygdala," Lieberman said in a telephone interview.

What lights up instead is the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, part of the brain that controls impulses.

"This is the only region of the entire brain that is more active when you choose an emotion word for the picture than when you choose a name for the picture," he said.

He said the same region of the brain has been found in prior studies to play a role in motor control.

"If you are driving along and you see a yellow light, you have to inhibit one response in order to step on the brake," he said. "This same region helps to inhibit emotional responses as well."

The results may alter the traditional view of why talking about feelings helps.

"I think we all believe that by talking about our feelings, we reach deep new insights, and that understanding is what transforms us," he said.

"What we see is something that at first blush is far more trivial. By simply putting the name to an emotion, the person doesn't feel like they've come to any new insight. And yet we see this dampening response anyway."

Lieberman said while there likely are benefits to gaining enhanced understanding, talking about feelings may do something more basic.

"It's not just the deep thoughts," he said. "It's something about the way we are built."

Don't go to work !!!

This morning, the boy was in tears, crying, " Don't go to work! Don't go to work! Don't go to work! ......... Don't go to work!". Oh dear, I really don't need external protests at the moment.

Spent time with him this morning, feeding him baguettes with kaya spread, milo, bathing him and giving him lots of hugs and kisses......Before I left, he says, "Mummy! See you tomorrow!". Hahhahhahaaa (",)

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Give her back!

Every now and then, I'd visit this site to check if the girl who has been abducted has been found and my heart aches for her parents when I see that she's still not. Tonight, I shall be praying for all the parents in the world who has lost their kids through abductions.

Police Story Part IV

Here's the link to Part I,II and III

We still haven't got back the phones but we now know that the woman was a student!

This story has gone from being stupid (for losing the phones) to interesting (the police investigation) to unbelievable (on how the culprit was caught) to just plain outrageous.

Now, because the father had not steered his daughter back in the right direction, even encouraging her actions by taking the phone for his own use instead of getting her to return them, the police is now checking through her school records so as to recommend the appropriate charge to the courts.

We are not for destroying anyone's future but we have no power to influence the police's recommendations either.

Well, the father was the one who had a chance to make a wrong right but didn't. Have zero sympathies for this person.


Yang arh! Keep your toys!!!

" OK! ... *eh? so kwai arh? * ...NO THANK YOU!"


Parent-Teacher Meeting

Went to meet your teachers yesterday. Received a progress report.

A = Is Able To
I = Is Beginning To
O = Not Able To

Gross Motor Skills:
You got an "A" for all of them: Sit on the floor with legs crossed; Jump in place; Walk forward to a target on a path; Walk while carrying an object; Throw a bean bag; Roll a ball; Kick a large ball; Imitate a body movement.

Fine Motor Skills:
Another sweep of "A": Thread beads onto a string; Build a tower of five blocks; Turn one page of a book at a time.

Self-Help Skills:
Straight A's : Take care of toilet needs independently; Able to use tissue when needed Put on shoes; Feed himself; Wash and dry hands.

Social-emotional Development:
All "A" except for one: A's for Ready to try new activities; Respond when called by name; Play with other children; Share with others; Make a choice when asked: Carry out simple instructions; Establish eye contact during verbal interactions....and an "I" for ability to focus.

Reading Readiness:
Again, all A's and one "I": Enjoy stories; Enjoy books; Enjoy rhymes and try to repeat them; Identify primary colours ( red, blue, yellow); Name different animals; Name different modes of transportation; Name everyday things (table, chair, bowl, plate); Identify basic geometric shapes ( circle, square, triangle); Identify other children by their names: Express feelings - happy, sad, angry; Recognise common sounds; Identify characters (A-M)... and an "I" for ability to recognise own name in written form.

Number Readiness:
Straight A's : Rote count from 1-10; Count meaningfully from 1-5; Complete simple wooden puzzles; Match colors; Match basic geometric shapes; Know the names of geometric shapes; Draw a line; Draw a circle.

Chinese Language (Mandarin):
Hmmm..... one "A" & 3 "I": A for Listen and enjoy songs and rhymes. I's for Sing and recite songs and rhymes; Respond appropriately to simple sentences and phrases; Recognise pictures.

Understanding Body Parts:
Straight A's: Point to main body parts; Identify the five senses and Draw a Man test

This looks quite grotesque but they were impressed with the details. Your "Man" had eyes, mouth and hair!

Lastly, a note from your teachers: BY is a very cheerful and lively boy who is well-liked by all his teachers. He is a very sociable boy who is capable of getting along well with his peers. In general, it is also observed that he seems to show special interest in all form of creative craft activities and would usually participate very well in it. Well done, BY ! Keep it up!

Friday, June 15, 2007

I stopped breathing...

I have been working and working and working this week. I think I stopped breathing on Wednesday morning. Didn't sleep much that night - working again.

On Thursday, I looked through my employment contract, paying close attention on the clause on notice period. Thursday evening, I had a meeting which ended disastrously in my opinion. 2 people tried to explain to me how I should not do the things that I wanted to do. I frowned, shook my head and told them, "I don't understand what you are saying!" One walked out of the room after trying twice. The other tried explaining it several more times and gave up.

Friday morning 3am, I woke up from a non-sleep. The mind was chattering non-stop. Anyway, I woke up from the non-sleep and drew something like this....

Noon, I presented it to my boss and walked out of the meeting room breathing again.

Strolled to the coffeeshop nearby and bought myself a chicken drumstick from the Nasi Padang store and boy, was it the tastiest thing I ate this week!

Now, I wonder how my lunches will taste like next week.... >>>Better I hope!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Buses should stay in bus lanes!

After I nearly got killed by (1) the bus filtering out onto our lane and (2) the man behind the wheels in our car who refused to give way to the bus that is filtering out, I screamed "F**K!" at the man in the car. He retorted in almost a split second, "Buses should stay in bus lanes!"

Refused to talk to the man after that. He came with durian puffs from Goodwood Park to pick me up after work. No apologies, just puffs. Well, that's the closest I get to an apology.

Fast forward to this morning:

Buses should stay in bus lanes arh?
So buses cannot turn right arh?
>> No.
So buses can only go straight?
>> Yes.
Buses can turn left?
Buses cannot turn right?
>> Cannot. Bus lanes are drawn for them. They must stay in the bus lanes. Cars get fined they go into the bus lanes so they should get fined if they come out of bus lanes.


Monday, June 11, 2007


Quite a few have asked me why eggsnchicks ? Well, goes like this.. when I was pregnant with BY and growing bigger by the day, all I could think of was eggs........ why can't I just lay an egg and sit on it? Plus, an egg should be easier to pass through the 'AHEM' then a baby right? There you go!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

1st week @ work

Haven't been this busy in a while. Was running from one meeting to another the whole day today and missed out on 3 calls from home. Panicked when I saw it. Called back. My dad told me it was my son who called me.

What? He's two and a half and a bit more. He called me? Yah, he did. Apparently he asked Ah Gong for my number and punched them into the phone himself, which means he recognises the numbers and if you know my mobile number, you'd know that that's a lot of numbers to recognise. On the way home with the Big One, I told him I didn't answer my son's calls! He called 3 times and Mummy didn't answer any one of them! Quite horrible. So now I'm hoping that the next time he calls, I'd pick it up and also that he won't start to call me too often because I'm really really busy at work.

Work. There's just so much to pick up and the whole business is entirely a new species to me but everything so far has been interesting, exciting & engaging. I feel adequately challenged and my motivation level remains at a positively high level at this point.

Also, as an added plus, I'm located in a food paradise! Monday, I had Indonesian-Thai. Tuesday was Hock Lam Beef Noodles. Wednesday, Vietnamese with CC. Thursday, Italian with a colleague. Friday was a grab and go but the grabbed egg/mayo Panani I had on the go was really really yummy, nevermind if it was a chock full of cholesterol.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


...hasn't been good lately. Which could have explained why I'm "flossing my heels".

Christine's mother has been diagnosed with cancer. She asks us to pray for them. I will most definitely. Stay strong!

SW's mother had a bad fall and now has problems moving around. She will have to fly back to SF to be with her parents and this is not a particularly good time for her to be away from SG. Hugs to you my dear.

The Big One's company is pulling out of this region. He has about a month's worth of employment left.

...and I think the list will grow if I try to find more things that have gone 'wrong'. So will stop that right now.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Police Story Part III

Here's Part 1 & Part 2

Well, so the Big One's persistence paid off. The police found the woman who took the 2 phones he left at the ATM. She returned one of them. The other one is with her father who is travelling at the moment and will not be back till 2 weeks later. So when he does, she'll bring the other phone back to the station. Then, the police will apply for a court order for the phones to be returned to us.

I have my own opinions about this woman... but you can form your own.

Here's Big One's story... or as I translate it: He was at the ATM machine. There was a ledge. He put his 2 phones on the ledge ( 1 with Thai SIM card and another with Singapore SIM card - just in case you are wondering and no, I don't think he has a wife in Thailand), withdrew some cash and walked away. About 50 metres or about the equivalent of 2 minutes later, he realised he had forgotten the phones and runs back, he thinks, past the woman. Phones are gone! He borrows one from an Indian couple and rings his own number. It rang 5 times and stopped. He tried calling again but the phones are now switched off.

What happened between those 2 minutes? The woman has withdrew money from the ATM. Her transaction data has been captured. She takes the "FREE" phones on the ledge and the CCTV captures her taking them. She walks away. She sees a man running past her back to the ATM. She knows what the man is looking for. She hurries away. She receives a call on one of the phones she has taken. She struggles to find the off switch. After 5 rings, she managed to switch it off. She quickly removes herself from the scene.

Then, she goes home. She throws away the SIM cards in these 2 phones. She deletes all the data in these 2 phones. She rewards herself with one of them and gives the other one to her father. The father is pleased to get a gift from her daughter. Her father doesn't question how she got her hands on the new phones or why she has 'bought' them without a box or whether if she has 'found' them, if she has tried finding its owner. He happily uses it and takes it overseas.

"you qi fu bi you qi zi" or in English, Like Father Like Son.

I hope we will never be that kind of parent to our son.


Just grumpy. First about the floss and now about my shoes. They are killing me!

Wondering what an idiotmatic phrase like "Flossing my heels" will mean. If you have any suggestions, please share. I need to laugh.

Dental Floss

Just bought another roll of dental floss. I think I beat the Singapore national average on dental floss consumption by 2 miles. If there's a contest for free lifetime supply of floss, I'd put my hand up for it. It'll free up enough cash to pay for the boy's endowment fund.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


The boy is probably getting onto to a bus as I type this. His school is taking them out for an excursion. They are taking a bus to the theatre to watch a play. The whole night yesterday and this morning, I'm telling him to listen to your teachers, don't run around, sit properly on the bus, don't get scared by loud noises or dark places, listen to your teachers, don't run around, sit properly, don't run around, sit properly on the bus, listen to your teachers, don't get scared by loud noises or dark places, listen to your teachers...............and .................oh dear, just realised I forgot to tell him to have fun!!!

He's only 2 and a half and a bit more and he's going on an excursion without me!

God, please watch over him.

Monday, June 04, 2007

First few hours at work

- DELL Latitude D400 + Docking Station
- Season Parking Pass
- Desk & chair
- Phone w/o phone number

- Desk Calendar
- Various pieces of used stationery (including a pencil with teethmarks)

Do not have
- Namecard
- Phone number

Moving from excitement into confusion as the day progresses... Wish me luck!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Staying at home

Was asked again last night, "Do you have to work?"

I immediately start to mutter things like ... "I don't have to (financially) I think but I don't do very well at home as a housewife!"

6 weeks. Been at home 6 weeks since I stopped work. I clean the house up an average 1.3 X a week and wonder why it is not spanking clean. The Big One has found many a strange place to put his smelly socks - the most recent, on the chair in the study. The Small One has just been toilet trained but has yet to jet properly.

Small things aside, I really enjoy my time at home with the both of them. The small one takes up most of it and saps up energy faster than I can produce them but he's such an enjoyable little fellow to be with. I miss him so much whenever he's not around me. The big one, well, in our 6 year marriage, this is the first time we have our own place to call home and we are only just learning to live with each other by ourselves. He declares loudly that he hates housework but still helps out and so I think we can still live under the same roof for a long while more.

Come Monday, I go back to work. What will going back to work cost? My relationship with the boy? My marriage? Or will it teach us all not to take things for granted and bring us more freedom to pursue the things we like?

I'm hoping it will be the latter.

Friday, June 01, 2007


Son fell off the chair tonight. This seems to be his preferred stunt when we have friends over. The other day, when we had a BBQ, he fell off the bench backwards, hitting his head twice. The first hit, against the edge of the table and the second, when he landed on the floor. Glad to report that once again, the son has survived.

DD popped over for dinner. It was a no frills, no fuss, home cooked meal and I really enjoyed making it. Check out his photos of the food!


Prawns with garlic & wine

Pork with Ginger & Spring Onions

He also took some very beautiful shots of our family and the son.

Playing with bread

Making sour face

Hey, we really enjoyed the evening. Thank you for coming by!

(All photos in this post are taken by Danesh Daryanani)